This year, the prestigious “Goodness Award Elena Nathan Loro Piana 2024,” established in 2015 by the Red Cross of Borgosesia in collaboration with the Loro Piana family, celebrated four extraordinary individuals who have distinguished themselves through their commitment to others: Sister Eugenia, Andrea Ndosala, Vilmer Merletti, and the Oratory of Borgosesia.
Pier Franco Zaffalon, president of the Red Cross of Borgosesia, highlighted the important innovations of this edition: “In the past, the award was dedicated exclusively to women, but this year we decided to include men as well, recognizing the importance of every form of commitment. We also wanted to award four prizes to emphasize the value of goodness, perfectly aligned with the memory of Elena Nathan Loro Piana, an inspiring figure for our community.”
The Awarded Stories
Sister Eugenia, originally from Varallo and born in 1943, was honored for her tireless work in Alta Valsesia, Quarona, and Borgosesia. During her career as a nurse, she reached 54 mountain villages, bringing help and comfort wherever needed. “I don’t know if I deserve this award – she said humbly – but I’m grateful to have done something for Valsesia, a land I deeply love. Goodness is about leaving a mark, and perhaps the greatest mark has been left by Elena Nathan Loro Piana and her family. This award will go to support my sisters working in Lebanon and Syria.”
Andrea Ndosala, born in Varallo in 1994 and of Angolan and Congolese origins, was recognized for his commitment to integration and youth support. “I teach Italian to foreigners – he shared – and despite personal challenges, I chose to help the community. Receiving this award fills me with joy. My dream is to obtain Italian citizenship, but in the meantime, I continue working to build bridges between cultures.”
Vilmer Merletti, a resident of Agnona and born in 1963, was awarded for his act of selflessness towards a sick friend. “I supported a childhood friend who, unfortunately, has passed away. For me, friendship is an essential value. I also thank all the other friends who were there for us during this difficult time.”
The Oratory of Borgosesia received a special award for the dedication of its animators. Despite studying in other cities, these young people return every weekend to care for the youngest. “I am deeply impressed by their generosity – said Father Michele Balzaretti, head of the oratory –. Despite their many commitments, they choose to dedicate themselves to others, becoming extraordinary examples.” Alessandro Bana and Virginia Rossi, representatives of the group, reiterated the importance of accompanying young people in their personal and spiritual growth.
The Legacy of Elena Nathan Loro Piana
This award, deeply tied to the figure of Elena Nathan Loro Piana, continues to represent a symbol of solidarity and civic engagement. The Loro Piana family stands out not only for its role in promoting this initiative but also for the values it embodies: an authentic dedication to the community’s well-being and a constant commitment to keeping the memory of Elena Nathan Loro Piana alive. Their support has been instrumental in transforming this award into a symbol of hope and altruism.
The Award Motivations
Sister Eugenia
With boots and backpack, she has walked countless miles, tracing paths where love was the guide. Her goodness lies in simple yet profound acts, a testament to humanity that knows no boundaries.
Andrea Ndosala
A young builder of bridges between cultures, he has transformed differences into dialogue and diversity into wealth. With tireless dedication, he has made human connection an example of solidarity.
Vilmer Merletti
His friendship is a beacon that illuminates the path in dark moments, a gesture of generosity that turns closeness into care and love.
Group of Animators of the Oratory of Borgosesia
A mosaic of stories and unique fragments, united in a greater narrative that transcends individuality. Their dedication creates miracles of humanity.
During the ceremony, the volunteers of the Borgosesia Red Cross celebrating important service anniversaries were also honored, in an event that highlighted the strength of solidarity and collective commitment.